2022 Grand Rapids Fundraiser

Andrea Malsom My Voice Speech Therapy Parkinson disease kalamazoo Parknsonstshirts

Advocacy shirt designed in collaboration with Parkinson’s artist Steve and yours truly!

Let’s Walk!

My Voice Speech Therapy is proud to walk in the October 2022 I Gave my Sole for Parkinson’s fundraiser with the Michigan Parkinson Foundation. We are dedicated this walk for our clients. They work hard each and every day.

Celebrating in October

October is a special month for us, in addition to joining Michigan Parkinson Foundation’s event, we are also celebrating My Voice Speech Therapy’s ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!

One year of service those with Parkinson’s and their care partners.

One year of helping those with Parkinson’s advocate for themselves.

One year of connecting those with Parkinson’s with others going through the same challenges.

One year of being a small business. And…

One year of creating strong, confident voices!

If you are able and interested, please help us celebrate all of our client’s successes by donating to Michigan Parkinson Foundation's fundraiser here.

More About the Walk

This is held in the beautiful Frederik Meijer Garden & Sculpture Park in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The walk includes a quick ceremonial loop or the full 1.5 mile walk through the venue. Additionally, there will be entertainment, healthy snacks, exercises, and a health fair.

Opening Ceremony is 10:15, learn more here.

Thank you!



My Voice Equipment


Parkinson’s Home Therapy